Workplace Wellbeing Service

Mental Health and Neurodiversity Services
for Businesses and Organisations


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How Purple House Clinic Helps Businesses Thrive –
Empower Your Business with Expert Psychological Support

In today’s complex work environment, employers face significant challenges:

  • Rising cases of employee burnout and stress.
  • The need for effective support for neurodivergent employees.
  • Limited resources for comprehensive mental health support.
  • Ensuring HR and management are equipped to handle mental health and neurodiversity issues.

The Impact of Poor Mental Health and Neurodiversity Support on Businesses:

Employees with untreated mental health issues, and neurodivergent employees who are not adequately supported at work, are more likely to leave their jobs, have higher rates of absence, exhibit lower productivity, and struggle with significant day-to-day challenges whilst at work.

  • Stress, depression and anxiety accounts for around 49% of all work-related ill health cases in the UK (Health and Safety Executive, 2023).
  • Mental health difficulties explain around 54% of all working days that are lost due to ill health (Health and Safety Executive, 2023).
  • The cost of mental ill health to UK employers is around £53-56 billion per year which includes the cost of absenteeism, presenteeism and increased staff turnover (Deloitte, 2022).
Business lady in office experiencing work stress, looking concerned at paperwork.

Mental health is an investment, not an expense! Partner with the Purple House Clinic & strengthen your business.

How We Can Help

We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to support your employees’ mental health and neurodiversity needs:

        1. Mental Health Check-Ups: Regular or ad hoc mental health assessments to monitor and support individual employee well-being.
        2. Therapy Packages: Time-limited therapy packages, delivered through weekly sessions focused on addressing specific mental health issues.
        3. Intensive (Full Day) Therapy Packages: Comprehensive, full-day therapeutic interventions for immediate and fast support (eligibility criteria applies).
        4. Mental Fitness Programmes: Proactive bespoke programs for individuals focused on preventing mental ill health, building resilience, stress management skills, and promoting their overall mental fitness.
        5. Specialist Neurodiversity Assessments: Specialist diagnostic assessments to identify and support neurodivergent employees, such as those who might have autism or ADHD.
        6. Employee Wellbeing Seminars: Online or in-person seminars on a range of topics aimed at raising awareness and promoting mental wellbeing.
        7. Workshops for HR and Managers: Training to equip HR and management staff with the skills to support mental health and neurodiversity in the workplace.
        8. Consultancy Services:
          • Organisational Level: Developing and implementing policies and practices to promote positive mental health and support neurodiverse staff.
          • Individual Level: Tailored consultancy to address specific employee needs and challenges.
        9. Staff Reflective Groups: Facilitated group sessions for employees to share experiences and support each other.

“Invest in your team, elevate your business. Choose the Purple House Clinic.”

Benefits of Partnering with Us

For every £1 spent on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce, employers get (on average) about £4.70 back in increased productivity (Deloitte, 2022). This makes investing in our suite of services an obvious choice to make, bringing incredible benefits to both employees and employers alike:

  1. Enhanced Employee Wellbeing: Improved mental health and support for neurodivergent employees lead to a more engaged and productive workforce.
  2. Reduced Absenteeism and Staff Turnover: Addressing mental health issues decreases absenteeism and increases employee retention.
  3. Increased Productivity: Healthier, happier employees are more focused and efficient, driving better business outcomes.
  4. Positive Workplace Culture: Promoting mental health and neurodiversity support fosters a culture of inclusivity and respect.
  5. Professional Development: Equipping HR and managers with the necessary skills enhances overall team performance and employee satisfaction.

Partner with the Purple House Clinic to increase productivity, reduce absenteeism – and boost your bottom line.

Let's work together to create a supportive and inclusive workplace for all employees.

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