Who We Can Help
(Referral Criteria)
Who We Can Help
(Referral Criteria)
Who we can help
Referrals can be made by individuals or organisations and we can help a broad range of mental health difficulties and neurodevelopmental conditions. We see both adults and children, although some of our services are not suitable for very young children.
We consider the following factors when deciding whether to accept a referral:
1) Whether our services are a good fit to help with the difficulties described
2) Whether we can provide services safely and effectively to the client
3) Whether we can provide an age-appropriate service (certain specialist assessments and therapies are not suitable for younger children)
4) Whether there is funding in place – we work with self-funding individuals and individuals who are funded by an external organisation
Who we can’t help
Unfortunately, there are some circumstances which will usually (though not always) prevent us from being able to offer a service. Most of these circumstances are listed below, although this should not be considered to be an exhaustive list. Please refer to the list below and if any of these circumstances apply, or if there are any other reasons that you think might preclude access to our service, please telephone your local clinic and we will clarify whether or not we can accept your referral.
Circumstances where a client is:
- Experiencing suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviours and therefore needing help from a multidisciplinary team / crisis support.
- Suffering from an eating disorder and therefore needing access to a multidisciplinary team including a physician.
- Experiencing, or has a history of, psychosis or other severe mental illness and therefore needing intensive support, multidisciplinary care or access to crisis help.
- Subject to a Child in Need or a Child Protection plan.
- Subject to adult safeguarding enquiry or safeguarding plan.
- Prone to aggressive or violent behaviour.
- Subject to ongoing legal proceedings which may interfere with the therapeutic process.
- A child whose parents are in disagreement (or likely disagreement) about accessing our service AND this conflict is likely to interfere with the therapeutic process.
- Seeking an assessment from our service in order to gain entry to a service elsewhere (and there is no confirmation that our assessment will be accepted).
- On bail, or on licence/parole from prison.
- OR, when there are insufficent funds available to enable safe provision of services at the Purple House Clinic. For therapy services, this will vary between individuals, however, usually the minimum number of therapy sessions required to facilitate meaningful therapeutic change would be 12. Some clients may require fewer sessions, but others may need substantially more. If there is any uncertainty regarding this, please do speak to us prior to registering for therapy.
How to determine if we can help
If you are unsure about whether we might be able to offer you a service, please do give us a call and discuss your situation with our administrators. If the administrator is unsure of the answer, they will get back to you after discussing the information with one of our clinicians.
For information about accessing help from other services, please click here
For information about where you can access help in a crisis, please click here
Contact Us
Please contact us for further information